Friday, November 7, 2008

Sharjah a nice suprise!

Hello all
Today was very interesting and fun day. Yesterday I called a friend that I had met in the USA through Chuck Boss and informed him I ready to visit. He had given me a open invitation to visit and I called Mohammed. We meet at a local shopping mall in Sharjah. I realise that many of have never heard of this city but you are in for a shock. Quite a place this city is almost crime free. Totally dry, they bulldosed the bars and nightclubs when the Saudis bailed them out financially 10 years ago.

Sharjah is quite close to Dubai in terms of mega-structure, take a look at the photos. The Place is beautiful and of course nice and warm!

My friend put out a very nice spread and the meal was chicken, rice, eggplant ground up like hummas, tomato and cuke salad, very nice! Then we had tea, chocolates, and some really good coffee.

What an experience! I am blessed to know such good people here, We Americans need to wake up. It is the governments that screw things up and not the people. Ours especially under Bush.We all have families that we love and and we are more alike than different.

Mohamed's daughters remind me of mine when they were growing up. They were mischievous and full of energy. Reminded me of mine at that age of 4 and 5. Beautiful family I am honored they invited me into their home.

The last photo is the view from my friend's apartment. 22nd floor and I am had idea Sharjah was so nice. This is 35 minutes from my apartment!

Coming here was the best decision I have ever made except asking Karen to marry me. I just had the guest bedroom furnished. Come over over and visit!

I may take a short weekend trip to Jordan soon . Based on what Mohammed says, Jordan may be a very nice place to visit it is only 3 hours away and looks like fun. I plan to see this part of the world and hope to introduce you to my new home. Very, very, different but nice.

Talking ATC is really different. I really started to have fun working traffic the other day. I felt good because when your trainer comes over to ask you whats going on after an hour of busy traffic, it feels good because it tells me I am almost ready for checkout. They want me to work a couple on evening shifts for familiarization but that's no big deal. What can I tell you this place is awesome!

O yeah, played golf 4 rounds last week!

Take Care


Irish911 said...

Having traveled extensively I agree with you. Everywhere I traveled, we encountered awesome people who where extremely friendly, and willing to show me the sights, sounds, and foods of their country. I learned quickly to not ask what's in the dish, just sample and be surprised with the flavors.

Anonymous said...

Those girls are so cute!