Saturday, December 6, 2008

Long Weekend

Hello Everyone

Been awhile since reported. Happy to say I will be coming home to Toledo for the holidays. Has been quite cool lately 70's. Rained again last night, quite a thunderstorm, streets flooded again because they have no sewers. They pump all the sewage into tanks and then a truck pumps it out, nice.

Right now I am on a five day holiday Friday-Tuesday, nice! Practiced at the club this morning and am getting quite good at the short game. I will probably do the same tomorrow.

This place is so interesting, looking forward to the opening of the mall across the street. They say it shoud open up by the end of the month. I walked thru it today to see the progress and they still have alot of work to do. There must be 300 workers on the project, when I walked through the mall they were all on break, about two hours I imagine and they were all laying down taking a nap.

This place is so different, but nice.


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