Friday, January 16, 2009

Back in the Land of Sand

Hello All This is my first post in awhile so it spans alot of time

Karen came over for a visit and we went to Oman for a day, The scenery was breathtaking and the first photo was taken there. In the second photo we went to the Dubai Desert Classic which is part of the European Tour, In the third picture I am sitting with some of my new friends at the beach shack, the next picture Karen and I are sailing at Al Hambra, a lot of fun! The last is a shot of Dubai creek which has a very nice waterfront. There we went thru the souks which was very interesting., loaded with small shops selling everything.

Been awhile since the last post but I have been busy. Went back to the states for three weeks to the States and getting settled back in. Here I sit trying to awake, it is Friday and I had to get off my patio because the sun was too hot, the time is 9:30AM! After two days of rain today looks to be perfect.

Today's post is a reflection of what I have observed over the past week. One hears of culture shock but it has manifested itself in ways I never expected. In my observations the manner people here are treated is deplorable and hard to accept. I feel so fortunate to be born with white skin and to be American! The working people here work on an average of 72 hours a week and alot have no days off, 12 hour days and they are happy to work! They are virtual slaves of their employer and have no personal freedoms, very hard to comprehend. Labor unions are illegal here so they have no recourse for injustices and the pay is criminal. An average worker of the working class here earns less than $300 a month! The fact of the matter is it is not the Emaraties that treat these people so bad but it their own people of higher status. It is hard to accept but I must if I remain here.

The expats here mostly stick to themselves, Arabs are friendly but there are very close-knit. All are related it seems. The Philipino are the workers in the service industries and are hard working but also close knit. The East Asians ( Indians, Bangladeshis, etc) are mostly working construction and in the factories. There is a higher class of Indians that are educated and seem to do quite well.

I plan to travel to the Far East next month sometime, perhaps Singapore, Malaysia, Philipines or Thailand. The airfares are cheap and the opportunity to do this will probably never exist again. I have always wanted to see that part of the world so why not? Have to do some research and find a good deal. Like I said before I have been playing a lot of golf and the game is improving. My partner and I have advanced to the semifinals of a match play tournament and am looking forward to the next match.

Like I said before I have an extra bedroom and would welcome my friends here. I would suggest a stay of 8-14 days because of the distances involved. The trip is a long one but it is an eye-opener. Taxis are cheap but if you want to rent a car I have a good connection, all you need is an International DL which is available at AAA. Interested email me.

I am missing my friends and family, but you have got to do what you have got to do. The job is great and outperforms the FAA by leaps and bounds. Traffic is very light but hell I am retired. I count my blessings I fell into this job! Inshallah I will be back in July for Gull Lake. In July this is not the place to be! 115 degrees with humidity 80-90%. The winters here are perfect 65-70% Sunshine and a light breeze. Work till 3, go golfing, finish under the lights, real nice.

Had an interesting weekend. Went to the Al Hambra Fort Hotel Pub for a couple of beers and meet a friend of a friend who invited me to go to an Arabic Night Club. The club was really sad and after one beer I wanted out of there! He was driving and asked me if I wanted to visit a friend of him. I said why not and we took off the sands! I thought I was in trouble! We end up at a beach shack on the Gulf. Inside were a half of dozen Emarities partying, playing cards and having a good time. They made me the guest of honor and the rest of the evening went well. All because I took a chance and trusted someone. I have come to learn here people all over the world are good it is politicians, tyrants, and other of the like that screw things up.

Till I post again please send me some feedback and questions!

1 comment:

Mike said...

If you get the chance to travel through Asia you'll enjoy the experience. I loved Singapore, Hong Kong, and the Philliphines (check out Cebu).