Saturday, September 27, 2008

RAK Update

Overall impressions: Coming here at the start of Ramadan is very interesting. It is impossible to do anything after 1PM. Everyone parties till 2, getting coffee and tea'd up. Stuff their faces and smoking hookahs.
The hotel I am at has a couple of party tents and the celebration goes on. Every day...till the end of September. I went to the pub at the Met a guy who is the business of shipping armored vehicle and Hum Vees to Afghanistan and Iraq...interesting. Lots of school teachers here, Brits, Ausies, South Africans. Haven't met an American yet! Indians and Pakistanis do all the menial tasks.

This hotel is run by Indians very nice but I talk to fast for them to understand me. Have to repeat myself all the time. Haven't worked yet and will not till Sunday. Thinking about a road trip. Fuharaih I think a trip through the mountains and to the other side of the country. I really want to see the mountains but it is so hazy here. Hot and humid 40C.

I haven't explored the nicer parts of town yet plan to soon. I am not really a mall person but will check it out. I have heard the mall here is really nice. This place is is soooo different. Thinking of of the "Wizard of OZ" I am not in Ohio anymore.

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