Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Another Day

Hello Everyone!

Today was a challenging day. I have been training for three days now and all is well. It is amazing how you can begin to understand people speaking English when only every third word is. Started the day at sunrise to take a few photos and the sunrises and sunsets are amazing. We are at 25 degrees north latitude and the high for today was 95 with 80% humidity. You tend to limit your outdoor activity.Showed up at work at 7AM and trained for two hours. Took a half an hour break and trained again for two hours. End of the day. Took the back road to my new apartment that I haven"t moved into yet. The painting crew was just leaving. There were about five Indian guys there finishing up. The quality of the work was mediocre at best but I wasn't paying for it.

If you can imagine it I not Karen had to pick out my new window treatments! I know I will receive a few negative comment concerning about my interior decorating skills when she comes over but as long as the frige is full and the TV works who cares! My new golf course and clubhouse is as close as Brandywine is to our home.

Went to the new radar site and messed of my rental on a rough road, called the agent and he took the car for repairs, no questions asked! I am still trying to decide if I should rent or buy. I am hearing a lot of horror stories about mechanics here from my co-workers. Somebody tell John he could make a killing here and give him my blog address

Went shopping today take a look at my new sofa.

Take Care

1 comment:

sis-in-law said...

Hi Mike!
You did NOT pick out those couches as seen in the picture. If so, might as well get a cobra coming out of the basket to put next to it.
Glad you emailed about visiting your blog - I missed your stories!
See you at Christmas,